Brown Fir Longhorned Beetle Found

Brown_fir_longhorned_beetleInvasive Pests Imported in Log Furniture
April 2016

In March staff from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) followed up with a Minnesota warehouse after a report of beetles emerging from log fumiture imported from China.

MDA staff retrieved about 60 live specimens collected from the fumiture on a site visit and submitted them to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for identification.

The beetles were identified as Callidiellum villosulum (brown fir longhorned beetle) which is native to Asia and not known to be present in North America.

The pest risk posed by this species was high enough that the fumiture was destroyed.
In addition to the fumiture at the warehouse. there was also furniture to be collected from customers in Minnesota as well as more than 40 other states.

This nationwide effort was coordinated by the USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

Since 2000, the USDA lists Imicide as the only trunk injection product in their APHIS Emergency and Domestic Program for control of the Asian Longhorned Beetle.
Research shows that Imicide is one of the most effective preventative and multi-season control treatments for the Emerald Ash Borer as well as other labeled insects.
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