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Mauget Hosts TCIA/OSHA Free Workshop

Mauget to host TCIA/OSHA Workshop
One-day Spanish Language EHAP workshop funded by OSHA Susan Harwood Grant SH27671SH5

Taller EHAP en lenguaje español financiado por la Subvención OSHA Susan Harwood SH27671SH5

Electricity is a serious and widespread hazard to arborists. In fact, electricity causes about 30 percent of all fatalities in the tree care industry, making it the leading cause of worker fatalities.

La electricidad es un peligro extendido y serio para los arboristas. De hecho, la electricidad causa cerca del 30 por ciento de todas las muertes en la industria del cuidado de árbol, convirtiéndola en la causa principal de mortandad en los trabajadores.

Since even a street lamp circuit or phone line can be energized with enough voltage to kill, almost all arborists in the field have at least some exposure to this hazard. In fact, workers don’t even have to touch a wire to be electrocuted – about half of all electrocution fatalities are the result of indirect contact. Tree branches and other conductive objects are an ever-present threat for the industry.

Puesto que aún un circuito de farol de calle o una línea telefónica puede estar energizado con voltaje suficiente para matar, casi todos los arboristas en el campo tienen al menos alguna exposición a este peligro. De hecho, los trabajadores ni siquiera tienen que tocar un alambre para ser electrocutados – cerca de la mitad de todas las mortandades por electrocución ocurren como resultado de contacto indirecto. Las ramas de árbol y otros objetos conductores son un peligro siempre presente para la industria.

All arborists must be trained to recognize and avoid these electrical hazards.  Qualified line-clearance arborists must have additional knowledge about electrical hazards and the special techniques used to work safely near electrical conductors.

Todos los arboristas deben ser entrenados para reconocer y evitar estos peligros eléctricos. Los arboristas calificados de limpieza de línea tienen conocimiento adicional acerca de los peligros eléctricos y las técnicas especiales usadas para trabajar con seguridad cerca de los conductores eléctricos

TCIA was recently awarded a federal grant in the amount of $124,746 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

TCIA recibió recientemente un subsidio federal por la cantidad de $124,746 de la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (OSHA por siglas en inglés).

The grant, SH27671SH5, was awarded through the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program, which provides funding for nonprofit organizations to conduct in-person, hands-on training and educational programs for employers and workers on the recognition, avoidance and prevention of safety and health hazards in their workplaces.

El subsidio, SH27671SH5, fue otorgado a través del Programa de Subsidios para Entrenamiento Susan Harwood, el cual provee fondos para que organizaciones sin fines de lucros conduzcan programas de entrenamiento y educacionales en persona, prácticos, para patrones y trabajadores acerca de reconocer, evitar, y prevenir los peligros de seguridad y salud en sus lugares de trabajo.

These select workshops financed 100 percent through federal funds, will be offered to affected employees and owners of small businesses, including limited-English, low-literacy and hard-to-reach workers.

Estos talleres selectos, financiados 100 por ciento a través de fondos federales, serán ofrecidos a los empleados afectados y dueños de pequeños negocios, incluyendo trabajadores con inglés limitado, poca alfabetización, y difíciles de alcanzar.

This material was produced under grant SH27671SH5 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U. S. Department of Labor.  It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Este material fue producido bajo la subvención SH27671SH5 de la Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, Departamento de Trabajo de Estados Unidos. No reflejan
necesariamente los puntos de vista o políticas del Departamento de Trabajo, y la mención de marcas registradas, productos comerciales u organizaciones no implica aprobación por parte del gobierno de Estados Unidos.

Registrations from one company are capped at 5, until one week before the workshop when all empty seats are released. Sorry, no walk-ins. Registration is transferrable.

Inscripciones de una compañía están limitadas a 5, hasta una semana antes del taller cuando todos los lugares libres son liberados. Lo sentimos, pero no hay visitantes de último minuto. La inscripción es transferible.

Registration starts at 8:80 AM
Earn 7.0 ISA and CTSP CEUs for attending. After the workshop, you can get an additional 7.0 ISA and CTSP CEU’s upon completion of the EHAP training program (by submitting tests and other requirements to TCIA). You will also receive a certificate of completion, helmet decal and laminated wallet card upon completion

Imicide residual full season control.

Study shows that Mauget’s Imicide continues to have full season control.
As additional data is collected, Imicide is expected to have even longer residual extending through the second season.

A study conducted by Dr.Terry Vassey, PhD, has confirmed once again Imicide’s long insect
control residual.   The study was conducted in Seal Beach California,
evaluating black scale (Saissetia Oleo) control on California Pepper Trees
(Schinus molle).  Trees were injected with 3 ml, Imicide during June 2015.
Samples taken, 2 months, following treatment, showed a significant reduction
in scale insects.

Only two scale insects were found on all of the trees treated with Imicide
10 months after treatment.  The control tree had a higher number of scale
insects present than all of the treated trees combined. This confirms the
multi seasonal control achieved by using Mauget’s Imicide.
Further sampling is scheduled during the 2nd year to determine how long
Imicide stays active in these trees.

More Palm Troubles

A phytoplasma disease known as Texas Phoenix Palm Decline (TPPD) is killing  many palm trees in both Texas and Florida and could spread elsewhere.

Texas Phoenix palm decline (TPPD) (Figs. 1-7) is a disease of palms that is caused by a phytoplasma (Harrison and Elliot 2009).

The phytoplasma is in the taxonomic group of organisms that produce lethal yellows or palm decline in palms (16 Sr-IV group of phytoplasmas). This group of organisms is vast and varied in host range and vector associations. TPPD was noticed initially in Corpus Christi, Texas in 2001 (Harrison et al. 2002) because decline symptoms were more common on Phoenix spp. than was expected for known U.S. phytoplasma diseases of palms. This disease now is known to cause decline in Phoenix sylvestris, Phoenix dactylifera, Phoenix canariensis, Phoenix roebelenii (Jeyaprakash et al. 2011), Sabal palmetto (Harrison and Elliot 2008; Harrison et al. 2009), and Syagrus romanzoffiana (Harrison et al. 2008). The entire host range of the pathogen is uncertain at this time. The disease first was noticed in Florida in the Ruskin area (Hillsborough County) in late 2006 and has been observed since then in Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota, Pinellas, Polk, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands, Charlotte, Lee, Lake, Orange, Palm Beach, Indian River, Alachua and Duval counties (Fig. 8).


The earliest symptom is a discoloration of the lower (oldest) leaves of the palms (Fig. 7). Discoloration begins at the tips of the leaflets. Subsequently, reproductive parts of the plant will die, resulting in dropping of fruits and flowers. In Phoenix palms, the spear leaf dies after approximately ¼ to ⅓ of the lower canopy has turned brown (Figs. 5, 6). In cabbage palms (Sabal palmetto), this may not occur. The disease can be difficult to recognize in the field, because nutritional problems (potassium deficiency, for example) and certain fungal diseases can look similar to the effects of the phytoplasma infection. If it is not the season for fruits and flowers, the diagnostic characteristics involving those parts cannot be used. In taller Phoenix palms, it can be difficult to impossible to see the spear leaf. Typically, infected cabbage palms will have at least the bottom ⅓ of the canopy dead and bronzed brown, and a much paler dead spear leaf (Fig. 1). A ring of leaves surrounding the spear leaf typically remains green for some time after the spear leaf dies (Fig. 4). Eventually, all the leaves collapse and fall, leaving the stem erect (Fig. 3).

Figure-1st     Figure-2st

Figure-3st     Figure-4st

Figure-5st      Figure-6st

Figure-7st      Figure-9st


The disease is thought to be transmitted by an insect vector, probably a planthopper (superfamily Fulgoroidea). The species is not known, but there are three species that are found routinely on palms in the areas where the disease is spreading (Halbert et al. 2014). One is a large flatid planthopper, Ormenaria rufifascia (Walker) (Fig. 9); another is a cixiid planthopper, Haplaxius crudus (Van Duzee) (Fig. 10); and the third one is a derbid planthopper, Omolicna joi Wilson et al. (Fig. 11).
Figure-10st    Figure-11st
The cixiid is the known vector of lethal yellows in South Florida (Howard et al. 1983). It occurs throughout the Florida peninsula as far north as Gainesville and can be found during most of the year, but especially in the winter (Halbert et al. 2014). The derbid is known from Florida north of Broward and Collier counties. Flight activity is in the fall. The flatid is known from all of the Florida peninsula and is most abundant in the late spring.

Reporting and Sampling

Professionals and homeowners who suspect TPPD should contact their local IFAS County Extension Office. Telephone numbers and addresses can be found at the following website: Samples can be sent to the Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center.


Phoenix sylvestris, Phoenix canariensis, Phoenix dactylifera, Phoenix roebelenii, Syagrus romanozoffiana and Sabal palmetto.


Texas and Florida, USA.

Florida Distribution
Hillsborough, Manatee, Sarasota, Pinellas, Polk, Hardee, DeSoto, Highlands, Orange, Lake, Charlotte, Lee, Palm Beach, Alachua, Broward and Duval counties.

Article written by: Susan Halbert,,
Taxonomic Entomologist, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry.
Photos: Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, & 9 by: Susan Halbert,  FDACS-DPI.
Photos: Figures 5, 6 & 7 by: Monica Elliott, University of Florida, IFAS, Ft. Lauderdale.
Photos: Figure 10 by: David C. Ziesk
Photos: Figure 11 by:  Lyle J. Buss, University of Florida.

View and download  Florida Department of Agriculture complete artical

Invisible Wood is Here

Invisible Wood Better and Stronger then Wood?

Wood has been the building block of some of the world’s greatest architectural feats for thousands of years.

As architects and engineers look for more sustainable, green materials to build with — new research has brought the material back into the limelight, in an entirely unexpected way.
Over the past year, scientists at the University of Maryland, College Park have worked to develop a superior, transparent version of wood.

Sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide is used to remove lignin from the wood

The “invisible” wood — as Dr. Liangbing Hu of the University’s Department of Material Science and Engineering describes it — is sturdier than traditional wood, and can be used in place of less environmentally friendly materials, such as plastics.
And in a world where modern urban architecture relies heavily on the use of glass and steel, replacing these materials with transparent, biodegradable wood could revolutionize design concepts — as well as reduce heating costs and help to lower fuel consumption.

How it’s made

Hu describes the process of creating clear wood in two steps: First, the lignin — an organic substance found in vascular plants — is chemically removed. This is the same step used in manufacturing pulp for paper. The lignin is responsible for the “yellow-ish” color of wood.

A scientist from the study demonstrates the process of 'stripping' wood of its color

The second step is to inject the channels, or veins of the wood by filling it with an epoxy — which can be thought of as strengthening agent, Hu says.
Epoxies are commonly used in adhesives and to reinforce composite materials used for building. The process, which takes approximately an hour, is done to maintain the makeup of cellulose nanofibers.
“These tiny fibers that form the walls of channels, are what makes wood so robust,” Hu explains.
“We don’t disturb these channels — and so for the first time, we can maintain the backbone structure of the wood, and make it transparent, while simultaneously making it stronger.”

After the color is removed, polymers or epoxies can be injected to strengthen the wood. The result is stronger, transparent wood

The advantages of ‘see-through’ wood

Implications from the research — published in a report in the scientific journal Advanced Materials — are wide-ranging.
In the immediate future, Hu sees its transparent capabilities as a substitute material to glass.
wood window2
“Glass windows are a big problem in the summer and winter, they have bad thermal isolation,” Hu explains. As a natural insulator, wood could better insulate from the cold and keep areas cool in hot weather.
The study also reveals that transparent wood composites exhibit high transmittance qualities or a “high optical haze” that could be potentially used in solar cells, which convert the sun’s energy into electricity.
“If you place the transparent wood in front of a solar cell, the amount of light absorbed will be higher, and efficiency can increase up to 30%,” says Hu, of the material’s advanced ability to control and trap how light enters.

Stronger than steel

The material offers large-scale possibilities for architects and engineers, looking for greener building materials.
“Potentially, the wood could be made to match or even exceed the strength of steel per weight, with the added benefit that the wood would be lighter in weight,” explains Hu.
Currently, Hu’s team is seeking additional funding to expand their research, and predicts that transparent wood will be on the commercial market in a few years.
Since the research has gone public, Hu has already received numerous inquiries by firms looking to examine the technology for mass production.
“It’s exciting. And because the material has been used for a long time, there’s already a lot of know-how and manufacturing infrastructure in the wood industry, so this field will develop very quickly.”

Pine Resin Test…

Terry A. Tattar Ph. D., Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, MA 01002

Some species of trees in the genus Pinus have very well developed resin ducts in their xylem. During much of the year these trees produce a rapid and sustained flow of resin in response to any wound in either the bark or woody issues. Injection of materials into these trees during these times has been difficult or impossible even with very low volume micro-injection capsules. In an attempt to better understand the nature of resin response in a cross section of conifers, a study was undertaken by Chris Nollstadt, a graduate student under my direction. The results of Mr. Nollstadt’s thesis were used to develop a technique to evaluate the resin flow response of a variety of conifers and to relate these responses to the ability of the trees to uptake materials presented in Mauget capsules. The resin response test for pines, reported below is a result of this master’s thesis research project.

Test Procedure for Resin Response in Pines (Based on Nollstadt, 1992):
1. Make a normal microinjection wound using a 3/16 or 15/64 inch drill bit into a test pine tree.
2. Immediately insert a glass or plastic capillary tube, 1 1/2 inch length, into the drill hole. Select a diameter Capillary tube that fits snugly into the hole. Insert the tube to a depth just inside the cambium, in a position similar to a inserted feeder tube.GlassPipette
3.Determine how long it takes for the capillary tube to fill with resin.

Reading the Test:
A.    If the tube fills in 10 minutes or less, it is not possible to inject at this time.
B.    If the tube fills in 10 to 20 minutes, it may be possible to inject a low volume (1 .2 ml).
C.    If the tube fills in 30 minutes, it may be possible to inject most 4 ml volume materials.
D.    If the tube does not fill for 2 hours or longer, high volume materials, such as 6 ml nutrient solutions, may be considered.

Reference: Nollstadt, C. 1992. Effects of xylem resin on trunk injection of systemic chemicals in conifers. Master Thesis. University of Massachusetts. 61 p.

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Brown Fir Longhorned Beetle Found

Brown_fir_longhorned_beetleInvasive Pests Imported in Log Furniture
April 2016

In March staff from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) followed up with a Minnesota warehouse after a report of beetles emerging from log fumiture imported from China.

MDA staff retrieved about 60 live specimens collected from the fumiture on a site visit and submitted them to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for identification.

The beetles were identified as Callidiellum villosulum (brown fir longhorned beetle) which is native to Asia and not known to be present in North America.

The pest risk posed by this species was high enough that the fumiture was destroyed.
In addition to the fumiture at the warehouse. there was also furniture to be collected from customers in Minnesota as well as more than 40 other states.

This nationwide effort was coordinated by the USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

Since 2000, the USDA lists Imicide as the only trunk injection product in their APHIS Emergency and Domestic Program for control of the Asian Longhorned Beetle.
Research shows that Imicide is one of the most effective preventative and multi-season control treatments for the Emerald Ash Borer as well as other labeled insects.
– See more at:


Help Mauget Text

In an effort to provide you, Mauget’s valued applicator, with the best information, products and registrations, we need your input.  
Please take a moment and give us your feedback about the insect, disease and nutritional issues that you are encountering with the trees in your area.  
Please also let us know what kind of tree questions you are getting from your customers.

Your input will help us in our efforts to better serve your tree care needs.

Sudden Oak Death (S.O.D.) May be Unstoppable

Mauget SOD1According to some researchers, the sudden oak death epidemic in California can not now be stopped, but that its tremendous ecological and economic impacts could have been greatly reduced if control had been started earlier. The research also identifies new strategies to enhance control of future epidemics, including identifying where and how to fell trees, as ‘there will be a next time.’

Sudden oak death — caused by Phytophthora ramorum, a fungus-like pathogen related to potato blight — has killed millions of trees over hundreds of square kilometres of forest in California. First detected near San Francisco in 1995, it spread north through coastal California, devastating the region’s iconic oak and tanoak forests. In 2002 a strain of the pathogen appeared in the south west of England, affecting shrubs but not oaks, since English species of oak are not susceptible. In 2009 the UK strain started killing larch — an important tree crop — and has since spread widely across the UK.

In a study published in PNAS, researchers from the University of Cambridge have used mathematical modelling to show that stopping or even slowing the spread of Phytophthora ramorum in California is now not possible, and indeed has been impossible for a number of years.

Treating trees with chemicals is not practical or cost-effective on the scales that would be necessary for an established forest epidemic. Currently the only option for controlling the disease is to cut down infected trees, together with neighbouring trees that are likely to be infected but may not yet show symptoms. “By comparing the performance of a large number of potential strategies, modelling can tell us where and how to start chopping down trees to manage the disease over very large areas,” explains Nik Cunniffe, lead author from Cambridge’s Department of Plant Sciences.

The authors say that preventing the disease from spreading to large parts of California could have been possible if management had been started in 2002. Before 2002 not enough was known about the pathogen to begin managing the disease. Their modelling also offers new strategies for more effectively controlling inevitable future epidemics.

Models developed in Cambridge are already an integral part of the management programme for the Phytophthora ramorum epidemic in the UK. The models are used to predict where the disease is likely to spread, how it can be effectively detected and how control strategies can be optimised, in close liaison with colleagues from DEFRA and the Forestry Commission.

Sudden oak death is known to affect over one hundred species of tree and shrub, presenting a significant risk to the biodiversity of many ecosystems. The death of large numbers of trees also exacerbates the fire risk in California when fallen trees are left to dry out. There is now concern that the disease may spread to the Appalachian Mountains, putting an even larger area of trees at risk.

“Our study is the first major retrospective analysis of how the sudden oak death epidemic in California could have been managed, and also the first to show how to deal with a forest epidemic of this magnitude,” explains Cunniffe.

“Even if huge amounts of money were to be invested to stop the epidemic starting today, the results of our model show this cannot lead to successful control for any plausible management budget. We therefore wanted to know whether it could have been contained if a carefully-optimised strategy had been introduced sooner. Our model showed that, with a very high level of investment starting in 2002, the disease could not have been eradicated, but its spread could have been slowed and the area affected greatly reduced.”

The model also indicates how policymakers might better plan and deploy control when future epidemics emerge.

“It is a tool by which we can make a better job next time, because it is inevitable that there will be a next time,” says Chris Gilligan, senior author also from the Department of Plant Sciences. “With this sort of epidemic there will always be more sites to treat than can be afforded. Our model shows when and where control is most effective at different stages throughout a developing epidemic so that resources can be better targeted.”

“It can be tempting for authorities to start cutting down trees at the core of the infected area, but for this epidemic our research shows that this could be the worst thing to do, because susceptible vegetation will simply grow back and become infected again,” explains Cunniffe.

Cunniffe, Gilligan and colleagues found that instead treating the ‘wave-front’ — on and ahead of the epidemic in the direction that disease is spreading — is a more effective method of control. They also found that ‘front-loading’ the budget to treat very heavily early on in the epidemic would greatly improve the likelihood of success.

“Unlike other epidemic models, ours takes account of the uncertainty in how ecological systems will respond and how the available budget may change, allowing us to investigate the likelihood of success and risks of failure of different strategies at different points after an epidemic emerges,” says Gilligan.

“Whenever a new epidemic emerges, controlling it becomes a question of how long it takes for us to have enough information to recognise that there is a problem and then to make decisions about how to deal with it. In the past we have been starting from scratch with each new pathogen, but the insight generated by this modelling puts us in a better position for dealing with future epidemics,” he adds.

The researchers say that the next step in dealing with well-established epidemics such as sudden oak death is to investigate how to protect particularly valuable areas within an epidemic that — as they have demonstrated — is already too big to be stopped.

The methodology is already being applied to create related models for diseases that threaten food security in Africa, such as pathogens that attack wheat and cassava.

Story Source:
The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Cambridge. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Journal Reference:
Nik J. Cunniffe, Richard C. Cobb, Ross K. Meentemeyer, David M. Rizzo, and Christopher A. Gilligan. Modeling when, where, and how to manage a forest epidemic, motivated by sudden oak death in California. PNAS, May 2016 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1602153113

Link to Science Daily Article

Winter Moth Alert

Mauget Winter MothWinter Moth (Operophtera brumata) larvae can defoliate host plants. Mortality is high for host plants defoliated two or more years in a row.

Winter moth has been established in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and has been found in New Hampshire, coastal Maine, south eastern Connecticut, Long Island, NY., Washington, Oregon, Eastern Canada on Prince Edward Island, Western Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and has been spreading  where conditions favor.
Host trees include:
Acer, Amelanchier, Betula, Calluna, Carpinus, Castanea, Corylus, Crataegus – Cydonia, Fagus, Fraxinus, Larix   Malus, Myrica, Ostrya, Picea, Populus, Prunus, Pyrus, Quercus, Rhamnus, Rhododendron, Ribes, Rosa, Rubus, Salix, Sorbus, Tilia , Ulmus, Vaccinium and Viburnum.
Winter moth was introduced into North America from Europe.
The first infestations were confirmed in Nova Scotia in the 1930’s.

The newly hatched larvae crawl up tree trunks and disperse by ballooning on a silken strand. Larvae work themselves underneath the scales of flower and leaf buds where they begin to feed from within, completely destroying the buds. They move into new buds until the clusters start to open. During cool wet springs the damage to buds may be extensive. As the leaf buds open the small larvae cluster in the new leaves. The larvae leave the leaf clusters to feed at night.

A study conducted by Robin Spitco Ph.D. in New England (2007 and 2008) conclude that Mauget’s Abacide 2, Abacide 2 Hp and Inject-a-cide B provided excellent control.

Shot Hole Borer (Polyphagous) Attacks Hundreds of Tree Species.

fusariumdiebackCalifornia Sycamore (Platanus racemosa)* , Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)*, Engelmann Oak (Quercus engelmannii)*, Valley oak (Quercus lobata)*, Cottonwood  (Populus fremontii)*, Box elder (Acer negundo)*, Big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum)*, Mesquite (Prosopis articulata)*, Cottonwood  (Populus fremontii)*, Black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)*, White Alder  (Alnus rhombifolia)*, Blue palo verde (Cercidium floridum)*, Mesquite (Prosopis articulata)*, Goodding’s black willow (Salix gooddingii)*, Red Willow  (Salix laevigata)*, Mule Fat (Baccharis salicifolia)*
*Native species to California (above)

Evergreen Maple (Acer paxii), Liquidambar (Liquidambar styraciflua), Trident maple (Acer buergerianum), Japanese maple (Acer palmatum), Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), Mexican sycamore (Platanus mexicana), English Oak (Quercus robur), Weeping willow (Salix babylonica), London plane (Platanus x acerifolia), Cork Oak (Quercus suber), Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), Coral tree (Erythrina corallodendon), Acacia (Acacia spp.), Black mission fig (Ficus carica), Avocado (Persea americana), Castorbean (Ricinus communis), Palo verde (Parkinsonia aculeata), Moreton Bay Chestnut  (Castanospermum australe), Chinese holly (Ilex cornuta), Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima), Dense logwood (Xylosma congestum), Camelia (Camellia semiserrata), Red Flowering Gum  (Eucalyptus ficifolia), Japanese beech (Fagus crenata),Kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus), Brea (Cercidium sonorae), Titoki (Alectryon excelsus)
Non-Native tree species to California Beetle and Fungal Complex (above)

Known Suitable Reproductive Host Trees of  Kuroshio shot hole borer in California
Coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)*, California Sycamore (Platanus racemosa)*, Red Willow (Salix laevigata)*, Cottonwood (Populus fremontii)*, Black Willow (Salix nigra)*, Arroyo willow (Salix lasolepis)*, Mule Fat (Baccharis salicifolia)*
*Native tree species to California Beetle and Fungal Complex:

Cork oak (Quercus suber), Avocado (Persea americana), Draft coral tree (Erythrina humeana), Black Polar (Populus nigra), Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), Mimosa (Albizia julibrizin), Castorbean (Ricinus communis), Strawberry Snowball Tree (Dombeya cacuminum)
Non-Native tree species to California Beetle and Fungal Complex: