REDWOOD (Sequoia, Sequoiadendron), CEDAR, and CYPRESS (Cupressus) BARK BEETLE
Phleosinus sp. and others (beetle)
Also see;
Mountain Pine Beetles, Pine Engraver Beetles, Pine Bark Beetles, Western Pine Beetles, Cedar Bark Beetles, Cypress Bark Beetle, Juniper Bark Beetle
Larvae are small, white, narrow, short, segmented.
Adults are red-brown to black, shiny, ranging from 1/8-3/8 in. long; rows of teeth at rear of front wings; antennae 5-jointed clubs with oblique depressions.
Their Egg galleries are short, longitudinal with little or no branching, becoming confused with heavy infestations, arising from single entrance hole; larval chambers extend laterally.
All species of Cedrus, Chamaecyparis, Cryptomeria, Cupressus, Juniperus, Libocedrus, Sequoia, Sequoiadendron, Taxodium, and Thuja are hosts.
They are found in the throughout the United States and Canada.
Poor sites, drought, nutritional deficiencies, wounding, and root impaction all contribute.
Twigs yellowing, browning, wilting at tips and hanging; egg and larval galleries immediately under bark; small droplets of pitch below feeding areas on twigs and stems on some species. Host trees usually weak on poor sites or under stress. Trees killed by infestations.
Adults attack all upper parts of weak, dying or dead trees, or broken branches while others attack other portions of trees. Prior to constructing egg galleries, adults feed on healthy twigs, branches and stems, girdling them until water and nutrient flow is stopped. Egg burrows made by adults working in pairs. Eggs uniformly spaced along sides of burrows. Larvae feed laterally from one egg gallery. Attacks in spring and summer, with 1 1/2 generations per year but may attack during other times of stresses.