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Asian Longhorned Beetle Look-a-Like

Mauget ALB-WSPS2Mother Nature produces its own set of “look-a-like” species that can fool people who are otherwise unsuspecting. For example, two insects that have been confused for one another are different species of beetles that attack trees. These “look-a-likes” are the native white-spotted pine sawyer and the invasive Asian… Read More

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Reaches Texas

5EABTexas marks the 26th state the invasive beetle has been found in since 2002.
The emerald ash borer (EAB), an invasive species of beetle responsible for killing tens of millions of ash trees across the country, has made its way to… Read More

Fall Anthracnose Treatments

antracnose1b1Anthracnose diseases affect a wide variety of shade trees. The disease commonly occurs very early each spring when the weather first turns warm.
Injecting trees in the Spring after they have begun to transpire but before the fungus has become active, can be… Read More

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