Texas Tree Care Company Reports Increase Revenues of Approx. $200,000 Since Adding Mauget in 2016

A Texas tree care company who became Mauget certified early in 2016 reported to Ann Hope, Mauget’s western sales representative, that since introducing Mauget Technology into their business in 2016, they have experienced an increase in revenues of approximately $200,000.00.

Previously this company had worked with several other tree injection systems offered by other companies. They were not happy with the results they were getting and voiced concerns regarding the tree damage that these systems produced including the insertion of many plugs into trees that were supposed to hold materials into the trees.

This tree care company found that they spent 20% less time making Mauget applications, compared to using other injection systems including pressurized systems with tree plugs.

The Texas Tree Care Company has been extremely happy with the results they saw on their client’s trees when using the Mauget System and products. Mauget’s time proven technology and chemicals proved to be simple, fast and effective with no bark splitting caused by these other systems. The simplicity of the Mauget injection system was easy for their employees to learn and use. The Mauget injection system also proved profitable for the company.

Many other tree care companies that have introduced Mauget microinjection into their operations have also experienced these positive benefits.

Mauget remains “The Time Proven, SIMPLY EFFECTIVE” tree injection system ever developed for trees.
At Mauget, the health of the tree is our main concern. We encourage those who are interested to reach out to us directly at Mauget.com. or for more information:

We will be than happy to get you on the road to success, with Mauget.