Late Fall Fertilizer Tree-Injections

mauget_fall-fertilizernews2Plants including trees and shrubs utilize nutrients throughout the year in different ways.

Late Fall is a good time to micro-inject your client’s trees with Mauget fertilizer and micronutrients.
Generally there are two time frames that are best to fertilize trees:
Early to Mid-Spring and Late Fall (when plants are going into dormancy).
Late Fall,  some nutrients are used in root growth, with the remainder stored in other plant tissues ready to be used when the roots resume absorption and expansion in the spring.nutrients are converted to essential plant compounds – sugars, carbohydrates and amino acids – that bolster stem, trunk and root growth.
Injecting Mauget’s  micro-nutrients directly into a tree you can be confident that the nutrients are going into the tree and not being consumed by turf and ground covers.
Late Fall Applications of any of Mauget’s effective Fertilizes and tree micro-nutrients , Stemix Plus, Inject-A-Min Manganese, Vigor 53 or Inject-A-Min Iron/Zinc or with  Mauget’s Liquid Loadable Hp products will be present within the trees system at the earliest stages of development, becoming available in the trees system exactly when needed early enough in Spring to give them a productive head start.
Early fall applications are generally NOT recommended because the resulting encouragement of growth that often occurs may not have adequate time to harden off before the onset of winter. If not winter-ready, the stems have a greater potential to suffer winter injury because of their soft and supple nature. Depending on where you live, root function can continue into December.

With Mauget’s tree-injection products, you can fertilize trees in which you have limited access to roots such as street trees and trees growing in parking lot island.

Applying Mauget tree-Injection Fertilizer to your client’s trees during in the Fall will free up valuable time in the Spring which is generally a much busier time of year for applicators.

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